It was Mother's Day in Australia on the 13 May (it's on a different day to Mother's Day in the UK) and I had an invitation from Anna to go up to school for Afternoon Tea. I was really looking forward to it (and a little nervous) but it was a great afternoon. The mums were ushered into the classroom and then the children came in. Anna then walked to the front of the class and thanked all the mums for coming. I was so proud of her! The children put on a mini concert, singing songs and I'm sure that there wasn't a dry eye in there. When it was time for Afternoon Tea, the mums were served cookies and cakes made by the children. It was a great afternoon!
Anna has also been keeping up with her horse riding and she seems to be really enjoying it. I'm also having lessons.
Nige thinks there's a conspiracy somewhere for horse buying ... I don't know what he could possibly mean!

It's also freezing ... and I mean freezing! At night the temperature has been dropping to about 3 degrees. Which doesn't sound that cold compared to the UK temperatures, but you have to remember that the houses here have NO heating and NO insulation. The floors are also tiled which is great in the summer, but bad in the winter. We also have a window in the en-suite which has a fly screen but NO glass! It gets a little draughty in there to say the least...