Anna was cast as a reindeer and had some lines and a dance to perform. She did amazing and we were all very proud of her!
Below are some photos ...

Anna's own blog:
We are very proud of her as she is currently 3rd overall in her age group (Under 7) for the 70m and 200m run. There are about six groups that compete in the Under 7 category each week. From next Saturday these groups will be graded by ability, as all the kids will have completed all the events. Times are recorded electronically. There are no stop-watches here!!
Parents have to get involved on competition days, by helping out with the organisation/events. As you can imagine, with 600 kids going every week it's a mammoth task. Next week it's our turn and I have nominated Nige for the task!
Party food; Guess what was eaten first?
Getting 2nd place for the 80m race
She also ran in the 80m race, against other girls in Year 1. In this race, she came second, having just been overtaken on the last 10m. The remainer of the day was team sports.
Running in the Flag Race
I volunteered to help on the cake stall (having made some cup cakes as well) and with selling ice creams at lunch time.
Nige was able to attend, spending time lying on the picnic blanket and going for short walks. It was his first trip out since he's had his operation.All done!
I was surprised that it wasn't a drawing!
Just thought that I'd add this from yesterday. As you may know, I work from home on the PC and this is where Max sleeps when I'm working! I can't say that it's the most convenient place, especially when he lays on the keyboard! Oh, please excuse the messy desk. It's strange but I hate the house being in a mess, but I don't mind my desk (it drives Nige to distraction!).
Arriving on the Gold Coast
Movie World
The Batman Ride at Movie World, and yes, Anna did go on it!
Sea World Wet 'n' Wild
Dreamworld and theme parked out!
Ranch show at the Gold Coast; cheesy but great fun!
New Zealand
The first night in the camper van
Anna in "Lord of the Rings" country!
Broken down!
Te Anau
Milford Sounds
Nige with Mount Cook in the background (ahem)!
Seal watching
The horse (Sid) that Anna rode!