Little Athletics is an organisation that runs throughout Australia. Anna has joined the Bateman and Bull Creek Club. To give you an idea of size, there are five Clubs that make up the Melville Centre and there are nine Centres in WA. In the Melville Centre alone, there are 600 kids enrolled. No wonder that Australia does well in sport!
There are two training sessions a week and every Saturday there is a competition. So far, Anna has done two competitions. The events that they do (split between two weeks/programmes) are:
- 50m run
- 70m run
- 100m run
- 200m run
- 60m hurdles
- Discus
- Javelin
- Long jump
- Shot put
We are very proud of her as she is currently 3rd overall in her age group (Under 7) for the 70m and 200m run. There are about six groups that compete in the Under 7 category each week. From next Saturday these groups will be graded by ability, as all the kids will have completed all the events. Times are recorded electronically. There are no stop-watches here!!
Parents have to get involved on competition days, by helping out with the organisation/events. As you can imagine, with 600 kids going every week it's a mammoth task. Next week it's our turn and I have nominated Nige for the task!