Yesterday I took Molly to the local park and she came face to face with the local wildlife! I was just walking along in the heat (yesterday was a scorcher!) and I could hear Molly ferreting in the long grass near a tree. I thought that she's found a mouse or something (I'm still in Longhorsley walking mode) but went to investigate as she just wouldn't leave it alone. Then I heard some hissing and I got a bit panicky. This is the park where there is bushland and a big sign at the entrance about snakes (see Nige's earlier post). However, Molly had come across her first Bobtail Lizard (or Blue Tongue Lizard as they are commonly called). This lizard is quite big, has a stumpy tail as though someone has chopped it off and when it is confronted by anything, sticks out it's blue tongue to scare them away. It can bite and kills it's food by crushing it. So you can imagine, I didn't want Molly to go putting her nose near it! Of course, Molly didn't know this and wasn't frightened by it (I was!). She kept leaping around trying to play with it. In the end I had to put her lead on and drag her away. The lizard made a quick dash through the fence into the bush.
I know that Adam would have loved it ....
Here's a picture of it and the park where I was walking -

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