Monday, February 12, 2007

Boat trip from Perth to Freemantle

On Sunday we had a quiet day after the off-roading (well, we tried to make it a bit more chilled) and went on a boat trip from Perth to Freemantle (Freo) down the Swan River. It's a 45 min trip each way. Attached are some photos of the approach back into Perth.

In the evening we had a BBQ back at ours and all the family came (Bea, her daughters and respective family). It was a great evening. The photo is of mum and Bea. I'm sure that she'll kill me for posting her photo ....

Today (Monday) I took mum and Bob to the airport so they could catch their flight to Sydney. We are missing them already but planning the trips out when they return!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you managed to get a photo of Sonia!! Everyone looks really relaxed and tanned! We're so jealous!!!