The babysitter (Louise) was recommended by a girlfriend from Anna's school. She a student nurse and absolutely fantastic. Her and Anna hit it off straightaway. We didn't even get any tears when we left.

At the debrief with Louise, her and Anna had played games and then watched Calamity Jane (our favourite). Louise had had some very probing questions from Anna about how our muscles work, how our jaw moves and what happens to the blood in meat when we cook it! Anna likes to keep everyone on their toes ....
You never know, this socialising thing may become a monthly habit ...
Fantastic! The babysitter may come in handy in March! Are you receiving my emails - I sent a really long one to you on Saturday. I'm worried that you're not receiving them. Was the restaurant any good?
Love Clare,Mitchel & Reece xxx
Hi, I replied to your email ... Bigpond is so rubbish ... I'll send another !
The meal was great, we'll definately have to go back in March. We're all getting really excited about you coming over!
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