Sunday, November 11, 2007

We have been in the pool ...

It was hot enough yesterday (32 degrees) to venture in the pool, well, Nige went in with Anna. Here are the snaps of this historic venture ...

Trepidation ....In he goes ...
Max had the right idea, taking it easy in the sun.


Anonymous said...

Hello-Can't wait! Pool looks fantastic-thanks for the pictures and videos. See you all soon xxx

Nigel, Nadine and Anna said...

It was hotter today (39 degrees) and so the pool is getting warmer and warmer!

Anna and some friends from school went in it today and it was bliss! You have to remember, 3pm is the hottest point of the day in Perth and so it's a great time to go in it.

Can't wait for you to come over. It should still be hot in March and so we'll all be able to use it then!