Saturday, August 23, 2008

National Book Week

It was national book week this week in Australia and so the Year 1s and Year 2s at school were allowed to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book. I was expecting Anna to choose Cinderella, or something similar and to begin with she did keep talking about going as Tinkerbell, then from out of nowhere, she announced she wanted to go as Pippi Longstocking! We don't even have that book! I was very pleased with her choice as it meant she could wear something warm and sensible.
It was great seeing all the costumes at school. There were pirates, Cinderella, Goldilocks and a bear (yes, a girl came dressed in a bear costume), little red riding hood and lots of fairies. They all got to go up on stage at the assembly and show their costumes to the rest of the school. Anna had a great time!

Now for an update on Nige. He has had a bit of a set-back, with the Doctor saying that he is doing to much. He's only been getting out of bed to get a drink. He now needs complete bed rest, only getting out of bed to go to the toilet. I have been and bought him a Sudoku book, lots of magazines and a pile of DVDs to try and encourage him to stay there!
My employers have asked me to extend my work contract for another two months. I am due to finish this month. I have declined the extension and will finish next week. This means I can spend time at home with Nige. I'll let you know how it goes!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Home Again

Nige is home! I went to pick him up from the hospital this morning. He is looking and walking well. In fact, better then he went in, which is something as most people leave hospital looking terrible!

He has to stay off work for the next 6 weeks and take things really easy, I'll keep you all posted to how he's doing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have just been to visit Nige, as he had his surgery this afternoon. He was very groggy but everything seems to have gone well.

I'll visit him tomorrow and find out a bit more what they did and how he's feeling.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's operation time ...

Nige has had a bad back for 6-7 weeks now. It's basically been bad since he got off the plane from his Europe trip. He's had physiotherapy and acupuncture on his back but this hasn't helped. He is now booked for an operation.

The time line goes like this:

Monday 28 July - Doctors appointment (follow on from physiotherapy and acupuncture sessions)
Friday 1 August - CT injection into the nerve to alleviate the pain (unsuccessful)
Monday 4 August - Doctors appointment
Friday 8 August - Neurosurgeon appointment
Tuesday 12 August - Surgery

Isn't that amazing! I know that we are private patients but it's still incredibly quick.

Nige has been diagnosed with a bulging disk in the lower back that has impinged the nerve. This is not going to get better without surgery. His x-rays look amazing! I'm amazed that he has been able to cope with the pain as well as he has. He's been off work (laying flat) and taking pain killers but it still looks incredibly painful.

After the operation, he'll be in hospital for 3 days. Then he should make a good recovery; even be able to get back on his bike.

Please send him your good thoughts ...

Monday, August 04, 2008

The weekend rollerskating

Some much needed refreshments at Rolloways

It's become a regular weekend excursion ... rollerskating! Anna and I really enjoy it. It's very good for the bum and thighs I have heard, and I need all the help I can get at the minute!

Nige is unable to join us as his back is bad at the minute. His CT injection hasn't helped and he's been referred to a neurosurgeon to look at the option of operating. He has a herniated disc that is pressing on the nerve in the lower of his back - ouch!

I'll keep you updated (now I know you are reading)!